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Advice and Information

Flat Pack Kitchens

5 Unexpected Advantages of Flat Pack Kitchens

Flat pack kitchens are often overlooked by renovators. But the fact is, their easy installations and low costs are hard to overlook. Still, a lot of prospective renovators are hesitant when it comes to the idea of fitting a flat pack kitchen into their projects. So let’s take a look at why flat pack kitchens are a good idea. In this list, we’ve added some of our favourite adva ...

Choosing a Coffee Table

Choosing a Coffee Table

There’s a certain formula to every good living room arrangement. And central to that formula, more often than not, is a well-selected coffee table. Whether classic in design, or more innovative, coffee tables are a living space staple. They’re also something we often take for granted. So when it comes time to choose one, it’s not uncommon to find yourself faced with a challengi ...

Kitchen Lighting Design Tips

5 Kitchen Lighting Design Tips For A Beautiful Kitchen

Lighting has the most significant effect on how we perceive our homes. If you match the right lighting with the right kitchen designs, you can rest assured that your interior décor is second to none. However, that’s easier said than done. If you don’t have a lot of experience with interior design, finding the right lighting can be tough. Luckily, though, it doesn’t have to be! ...

5 Brilliant Home Office Design Ideas

5 Brilliant Home Office Design Ideas

Tired of coming home and seeing your work clutter piled up at the end of the kitchen bench or plastered all over the fridge? Have you ever used your computer on the kitchen table at night and had to pack it all up so everyone can have breakfast in the morning? At some stage in most parents’ lives, a spare room becomes available, whether a grown up child is moving out or a kid g ...

Kitchen cupboards in a modern kitchen

Choosing Kitchen Cupboard Finishes: Which Is Best?

One of the most visible components of your kitchen is its cabinets. So it’s no surprise that choosing kitchen cabinet finishes is an important task. But there are so many factors to consider. You’ve got to take into account practicality, visual appeal, ambience, and consistency – just to name a few. Luckily, you’ve got the wealth of knowledge that is the Internet on your side. ...

8 Modern Kitchen Colour Schemes

8 Modern Kitchen Colour Schemes

Kitchens are often the jewel in your home’s crown. So picking a colour scheme is really no different from making a personal statement. But, with so many colours and tones available, how can you tell a good modern kitchen colour scheme from a bad one? It’s not as hard as it seems! In fact, with the right inspiration, choosing a modern kitchen colour scheme will be a rewarding ex ...

how to choose a front door

How To Choose The Right Front Door For Your Home

Building the home of your dreams requires attention to detail – you want every aspect to suit your needs precisely. And what could be a better indicator of that than your front door? The front door is more than just an entry or exit, it’s a focal point. It’s the last part of your home that you see when you leave every morning, and it’s always the first to welcome you back! So y ...

Foolproof Formula For Planning Your Kitchen Design Layout

Foolproof Formula For Planning Your Kitchen Design Layout

Whether you’re renovating your home or designing an entirely new one, there is one space that can test even the best of us: the kitchen! Your kitchen’s layout is one of the most challenging interior spaces to design. And there’s a simple reason why: it has to look great, but be practical and functional too. Striking that balance is where a lot of people go wrong. Lean too far ...

creative office space ideas to increase productivity

Creative Office Space Ideas To Increase Productivity

When you design an office space, you need to think a bit differently than you would when designing a home. Office spaces are utilitarian – their purpose is to allow you to work as well as you possibly can. So if your office space design is linked to your productivity, what can you do to improve it? Our advice: get creative! If you think outside the square a little, you will put ...

7 Things To Consider When Designing A Kitchen

7 Things To Consider When Designing A Kitchen

Kitchens are the focal point of almost any modern home, and they’re a great place to showcase innovative and exciting new designs. But, of course, that’s easier said than done. There are lots of things to consider when designing a kitchen. You need to go over everything from the practical, to the aesthetic – and that’s a lot to think about. However if you condense these into 7 ...

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