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Tips and Tricks

Bedroom with custom storage cabinets

Bedroom Storage Ideas: Maximising Space in Your Cosy Retreat

Struggling with a cluttered bedroom or planning a refresh? Think you've used up every inch of available space? Let’s look again. Whether you're in the throes of designing your dream bedroom or simply giving your space a much-needed facelift, these bedroom storage ideas can help transform your bedroom from chaotic to tranquil without sacrificing style.

Two women sitting in a modern commercial office design layout

Modern Commercial Office Design Ideas: Inspiring Spaces for Productivity

In the fast-paced world of business, the design of your office space plays a crucial role in shaping the productivity and morale of your team. A modern commercial office design not only reflects the ethos of your company but also creates an environment conducive to collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. 

Eco-friendly interior design ideas in living room with couch and table

The Sustainability Trend: Eco-friendly Interior Design Ideas

More than just a fleeting trend, sustainability has become a guiding principle for us in the modern world. As we become increasingly environmentally conscious, the focus on green living has made its way into various industries, including interior design.

Customer bathroom renovation with blue walls and bathtub

9 Expert Tips for Successful Custom Bathroom Renovations

Are you considering a custom bathroom renovation for your home but haven't started it yet? You're probably feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the project – where to start, what materials to use, and how much it's all going to cost. The truth is renovating your bathroom can be done successfully without too much stress or expense if you do it right. With proper planning and guidance from experienced
professionals who specialise in custom bathroom renovations in Bundaberg, you should have no problem achieving the results you desire.

Large open grey home office with white and light timber finishings

Spruce Up Your Home Office With These Interior Design Tips

Do you feel like your home office is just not cutting it? Are you not motivated to work in the space because it's cluttered and outdated? It's time to give your home office a makeover! In this article, we will discuss some interior design tips that will help you create a workspace that you'll love. With a few simple changes, you can turn your home office into a productive and stylish space!

Small Rooms

Innovative Ways to Add Space to Small Rooms in your Home

There are small rooms in every home. And as far as we’re concerned, that’s not a bad thing! In fact, there are many circumstances in which adding small rooms to a home is the best way to optimise its space efficiency. However, that doesn’t mean small rooms aren’t sometimes a little trickier to work with. We know from experience that small rooms are a little less forgiving when ...

Choosing a Coffee Table

Choosing a Coffee Table

There’s a certain formula to every good living room arrangement. And central to that formula, more often than not, is a well-selected coffee table. Whether classic in design, or more innovative, coffee tables are a living space staple. They’re also something we often take for granted. So when it comes time to choose one, it’s not uncommon to find yourself faced with a challengi ...

Kitchen cupboards in a modern kitchen

Choosing Kitchen Cupboard Finishes: Which Is Best?

One of the most visible components of your kitchen is its cabinets. So it’s no surprise that choosing kitchen cabinet finishes is an important task. But there are so many factors to consider. You’ve got to take into account practicality, visual appeal, ambience, and consistency – just to name a few. Luckily, you’ve got the wealth of knowledge that is the Internet on your side. ...

Kitchen Lighting Tips

5 Kitchen Lighting Tips From The Experts

Redoing a kitchen is one the most challenging and rewarding interior jobs you can do. There are so many elements to the perfect kitchen, and when they all fall into place it’s like completing a stunning jigsaw puzzle. Lighting completes the jigsaw, however, needs some planning in the early stages to do it well. Luckily, we are here to help! Good Kitchen lighting is fundamental ...

Kitchen Design in Bundaberg - What You Need to Know..

Kitchen Design in Bundaberg - What You Need to Know..

Here are a few tips to assist you when planning your new kitchen: 1. Efficient Floor Planning Adina’s award winning kitchen designs are based on workflow, motion and space. After considering your available floor space, a layout can be designed that allows easy movement between the working triangle - stovetop, sink and fridge. It is important to discuss how you use your kit ...

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